2021-01-06 06:34:18 UTC
Computer systems for govt/military projects tend to
be contracted for the best tech - for when the contracts
were drawn up. This can be YEARS before the actual
products are delivered.
Case in point, the Apollo Guidance Computer ... you
know, the thing Tom Hanks was laboring over just before
they bailed to the LEM ........
I get the impression the contracts were drawn up in '49.
Magnetic core memory, a matrix of tiny magnetizable doughnuts,
was usually produced to be in a meter-square box with a mass
of crossing wires with a core at each crossing. A cubic meter
might get you a few K of memory.
"Rope" memory was HAND WIRED, a string of wires with those
little cores carefully positioned all along the length. Wiki says it
was sometimes called LOL Memory - "Little Old Ladies" - for the
women who meticulously constructed the assemblies.
This approach offered nearly 10 times the data density per
cubic-foot than the commercial boxes. The downside was
that you'd better damned well get it right the first time, you
don't edit a rope memory, you reconstruct it from scratch.
Now clearly, for a space-ship, 10X the data density per cubic
whatever WAS very attractive - and for NASA the costs were
pretty irrelevant.
Thing is, by '69 the notion of pluggable fuse-programmable PROMs
was far from alien. Higher data density plus pretty much total
resistance to magnetic/radiation corruption.
However the CONTRACT was from (many) years past. So, we
got rope, not PROM chips.
For newbies, a "fuse-programmable PROM" is a write-once
memory chip that is basically a collection of fine wires. To
write the thing you apply enough current to actually burn away
some of those tiny wires, leaving the matrix full of '1''s and '0's.
These were later replaced by other kinds of permanent memory,
UV-erasable EPROMS and such. (still have a short-UV box to
erase those btw :-)
You can STILL buy fusable-link PROMS from a few sources
however .... if it HAS to be armor-plate tough ........
In the mid 80s I got a tour of an attack submarine. The interesting
part was the sonar cubicle. In there was a discrete-transistor
computer about a cubic meter (think IBM-360) and a few of
those "hard drives" where you had ten or so big disk platters
in a plastic case. You could put the cover on and remove the
whole disk assembly (but make SURE the thing had actually
spun down !). The data density was fer-shit. The speed was,
well, a speck better than spools of mag-tape. This was how
we were to defeat the Russkies/Chinese in the 80s.
Again, we had a fairly new govt project, but the hardware had
been contracted many years before and was already totally
obsolete by the time the final product was delivered.
be contracted for the best tech - for when the contracts
were drawn up. This can be YEARS before the actual
products are delivered.
Case in point, the Apollo Guidance Computer ... you
know, the thing Tom Hanks was laboring over just before
they bailed to the LEM ........
I get the impression the contracts were drawn up in '49.
Magnetic core memory, a matrix of tiny magnetizable doughnuts,
was usually produced to be in a meter-square box with a mass
of crossing wires with a core at each crossing. A cubic meter
might get you a few K of memory.
"Rope" memory was HAND WIRED, a string of wires with those
little cores carefully positioned all along the length. Wiki says it
was sometimes called LOL Memory - "Little Old Ladies" - for the
women who meticulously constructed the assemblies.
This approach offered nearly 10 times the data density per
cubic-foot than the commercial boxes. The downside was
that you'd better damned well get it right the first time, you
don't edit a rope memory, you reconstruct it from scratch.
Now clearly, for a space-ship, 10X the data density per cubic
whatever WAS very attractive - and for NASA the costs were
pretty irrelevant.
Thing is, by '69 the notion of pluggable fuse-programmable PROMs
was far from alien. Higher data density plus pretty much total
resistance to magnetic/radiation corruption.
However the CONTRACT was from (many) years past. So, we
got rope, not PROM chips.
For newbies, a "fuse-programmable PROM" is a write-once
memory chip that is basically a collection of fine wires. To
write the thing you apply enough current to actually burn away
some of those tiny wires, leaving the matrix full of '1''s and '0's.
These were later replaced by other kinds of permanent memory,
UV-erasable EPROMS and such. (still have a short-UV box to
erase those btw :-)
You can STILL buy fusable-link PROMS from a few sources
however .... if it HAS to be armor-plate tough ........
In the mid 80s I got a tour of an attack submarine. The interesting
part was the sonar cubicle. In there was a discrete-transistor
computer about a cubic meter (think IBM-360) and a few of
those "hard drives" where you had ten or so big disk platters
in a plastic case. You could put the cover on and remove the
whole disk assembly (but make SURE the thing had actually
spun down !). The data density was fer-shit. The speed was,
well, a speck better than spools of mag-tape. This was how
we were to defeat the Russkies/Chinese in the 80s.
Again, we had a fairly new govt project, but the hardware had
been contracted many years before and was already totally
obsolete by the time the final product was delivered.