SkyNet Is Knocking On The Door
(too old to reply)
2021-10-15 04:37:40 UTC

Black Mirror's killer robot dogs become a reality: Terrifying
four-legged bot with a 6.5mm SNIPER RIFLE on its back is unveiled
at the US Army trade show and can precisely fire at targets 3/4
of a mile away.

- - -

In theory (practice ?) a robo-fighter could target
several moving targets at once and PRECISELY calc
the the equation to put a bullet square into each
at the same moment. Wait a millisecond, repeat,

This machine still looks a bit crude, but apparently
it CAN precisely targets one at a time at extreme range.

In a couple of years the platforms will NOT be crude
anymore, it'll be as spry as a mountain goat, FAST.
The Russians already have fully-autonomous 'AI' units
that don't NEED human monitoring. Just tell them who
to kill.

And, according to our own experts, the Chinese AI is
WAY ahead of ours and the Russians. The Pentagon's
head software guy just QUIT because we were just
hopelessly behind, nothing he could do about their
threats. He'll probably be moving to Paraguay or
some other place nobody thinks/cares about.

Fortunately we're still well away from "AI" to
really live up to the title. There's no personality
in there, no "self", no "being". However MANY are
working to fix that from several different directions.
A "best" way will soon emerge and all energy will
concentrate on that. Frankly, if you can fake "self"
well enough, in enough fine detail, there comes a
point where the 'fake' is REAL.

And it'll find a huge arsenal of absolutely top notch
mobile weapons platforms at its disposal. Forget the
"laws", any 3-year old can mentally work around such
restrictions ... we'll be looking at a teenager with
a 350 IQ, sociopathic attitude and the worlds best
weapons systems and malware at "his" virtual fingertips ...

They're compelled to build it. They are likely to be
VERY sorry, but they're gonna do it anyway. Billions
and billions of OUR tax money will be employed. The
Chinese, well, not even taxes ... Xi is just gonna
TAKE it, no argument, no debate. SkyNet WILL be

I recommend "Terminator", "Colossus, The Forbin Project",
Trek "The Ultimate Computer" and TrekNext "Arsenal of Freedom"
for starters. Then there's the more technical stuff, terabytes
of it ...

LONG back, before Usenet went to shit, you could find
significant AI researchers, have conversations with
them. Marvin Minsky comes to mind, and his take on
why his initial model failed were very educational.
Read "Society Of Mind" ... how logic problems can
be solved with super-simple circuits. THE problem.
how you decide what to send to that final simple
circuit. Oops ! HAL from 2001 was based on the
original Minsky optimism. "Self" will be EASY ...
yea, sure ..... took 3.5 billion years for Darwin
to come up with the first inklings ... and we
bickering hairless monkeys are the best result ...
Bruce Jender
2021-10-15 12:36:03 UTC
Post by SevenOverSix
Black Mirror's killer robot dogs become a reality: Terrifying
four-legged bot with a 6.5mm SNIPER RIFLE on its back is unveiled
at the US Army trade show and can precisely fire at targets 3/4
of a mile away.
- - -
In theory (practice ?) a robo-fighter could target
several moving targets at once and PRECISELY calc
the the equation to put a bullet square into each
at the same moment. Wait a millisecond, repeat,
This machine still looks a bit crude, but apparently
it CAN precisely targets one at a time at extreme range.
The U.S. is too afraid to defend its own borders from terrorists and
other invaders of color, so what is the point of developing robot dogs
with lethal weapons for the Army? Soon, "we" will be a nuclear armed
Third World failed state, no thanks to Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas.
Maybe the goal is to replace white soldiers with these robot dogs to
weed out white supremacy in the military to celebrate our recent pullout
from Afghanistan because Trump "left Biden with no other choice." /sarc
"Title 8, U.S.C. § 1324(a) defines several distinct offenses related to
aliens. Subsection 1324(a)(1)(i)-(v) prohibits alien smuggling, domestic
transportation of unauthorized aliens, concealing or harboring
unauthorized aliens, encouraging or inducing unauthorized aliens to
enter the United States, and engaging in a conspiracy or aiding and
abetting any of the preceding acts. Subsection 1324(a)(2) prohibits
bringing or attempting to bring unauthorized aliens to the United States
in any manner whatsoever, even at a designated port of entry. Subsection

Build Back Better means Destroy More Quickly.

"We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter
fraud organization in the history of American politics." -Joe Biden

Biden: "We're going to protect vaccinated workers from unvaccinated

2021-10-16 03:19:02 UTC
Post by Bruce Jender
Post by SevenOverSix
Black Mirror's killer robot dogs become a reality: Terrifying
four-legged bot with a 6.5mm SNIPER RIFLE on its back is unveiled
at the US Army trade show and can precisely fire at targets 3/4
of a mile away.
- - -
In theory (practice ?) a robo-fighter could target
several moving targets at once and PRECISELY calc
the the equation to put a bullet square into each
at the same moment. Wait a millisecond, repeat,
This machine still looks a bit crude, but apparently
it CAN precisely targets one at a time at extreme range.
The U.S. is too afraid to defend its own borders from terrorists and
other invaders of color, so what is the point of developing robot dogs
with lethal weapons for the Army?  Soon, "we" will be a nuclear armed
Third World failed state, no thanks to Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas.
 Maybe the goal is to replace white soldiers with these robot dogs to
weed out white supremacy in the military to celebrate our recent pullout
from Afghanistan because Trump "left Biden with no other choice."  /sarc
Not exactly what I was aiming for, but you are
mostly correct - the USA, in anything like its
current condition, WON'T USE such weapons -
while our enemies WILL.
